Tour dates for September 2024 entry available to book
Looking for a school place for Reception in September 2024?
We have a number of tours scheduled from September. Please contact the school office ( or 01276 472212) to secure your place on one of the following tours:
Wednesday 27th September 9.30am
Friday 29th September 9.30am
Monday 2nd October 9.30am
Tuesday 10th October 10.45am
Monday 16th October 10.45am
Thursday 2nd November 9.30am
Monday 6th November 1.30pm
Wednesday 8th November 9.30am
Monday 13th November 9.30am
Thursday 16th November 10.45am
Tuesday 21st November 1.30pm
Thursday 23rd November 10.45am
Friday 24th November 9.15am
Wednesday 29th November 9.30am
Tuesday 9th January 1.30pm
Thursday 11th January 9.30am